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Samurai Business: The Way of the Warrior for Professionals in the Digital Century, by Joris Merks
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In this, the age of digital transparency, success must be based on integrity, but how can we cherish integrity while facing fierce competition and company/office politics? We can turn to the Samurai teachings of self-discipline as a valuable resource. The path of the Samurai is a quest for self-development that extends beyond fighting. The Samurai became successful in battle through conscientiously developing skill and the ability to withstand the desire for power and victory. This book, Samurai Business, inspires professionals to face politics without feeding them. Companies relying on power, control, or low ethical standards are losing ground. More than ever, success comes from a purpose beyond earning money. The professionals who succeed in the digital century are powered by the integrity of the warrior and centered on sustainable values. It is time to put the self-discipline of the Samurai in the professional. Don't just read this book, live it, because the future is in your hands. Integrity is not naivety, and kindness does not equal weakness. May the Samurai force be with you!
- Sales Rank: #1015533 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Meghan Kiffer Pr
- Published on: 2012-11
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 6.50" h x 6.75" w x .75" l, 1.05 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 159 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
New, innovative, effective!
By Camilla Stein
Samurai Business combines tactics of a martial arts fighter and a strong professional salesman. The goal is the same - to make the best of the situation, ceize the moment, use every advantage to win. And if you lose - learn to stand up and fight back at the next opportunity, and do it with class. Joris Merks advocates for personal integrity in business by turning old wisdom into new strategies. Samurai Business is a must read for modern entrepreneurs, marketers, managers, stockbrokers and everyone seeking to personalize their business experience and maximize their potential. This book is the 21st century guide towards best business practices and improved working environment.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
13 Powerful Leadership lessons for professionals who hate politics
By Marc Leon God
The Samurai Business Book is a beautiful book with very nice full-color pictures. It is an easy read.
It contains powerful leadership and life lessons for professionals in any organization that can be applied right away.
The author draws from his experience as a championship fighter followed by a career at Google.
It is a must read for those who seek success in both their work and private lives, and want to live a life based on integrity.
I helps take the politics out of the workplace.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Rijk J. van Vulpen
Nice parallels/translation between the essence of martial arts and worklife.
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